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Here's a bit about me:

Welcome to my site! It's purpose is to provide an overview of my professional experience and expertise. But I think that understanding the whole person is as important in the professional realm as anywhere else, which is why you should read this brief synopsis about who I am and how I got here.


I am a (proud!) New Jersey native raised by two thoughtful, strange sort-of hippies. One the daughter of Holocaust survivors who moved to the US after the war, the other the decendent of Dutch immigrants who helped settle the New World. I was raised to believe in the equality of all people, fairness, and putting people first. My experiences in college opened my eyes to the many ways one can make an impact on the world. I seized on one of them during my last semester when I got the opportunity to intern in D.C. for USA for UNHCR (the UN Refugee Agency)


After my internship, I moved home to graduate and then took a field organizer position with Sen. Menendez's re-election campaign, but I knew DC was where I belonged. I moved back in 2007 with the promise of two months of work with USA for UNHCR and a belief that everything would work out. I spent the next five years working my way up from development assistant to the corporate and foundation relations manager, stewarding over $1 million in foundation giving and building relationships with major companies, such as Motorola and Western Union.


In May 2012, after receiving a Master's in Communication from Johns Hopkins, I joined the Center for Community Change Action to build their small donor program. Running this program was a great joy, combining my strong social justice values with my skills in fundraising, communication and marketing. In two years I more than quadrupled the small donor revenue for the organization.


I am now the development and communications manager at the League of Women Voters. In this role I am building a mid-level donor program and overseeing the organization's online donor program. I am also the deparmental writer and foundation manager. 


When I'm not working, I am serving as the Board Treasurer for Collective Action for Safe Spaces (CASS), a local nonprofit that aims to end public sexual harassment and assault in D.C. You might also find me writing articles for, an online website targeting professional women, where I am a regular contributor. I am also a member of the American Fundraising Professionals DC Chapter and the Women's Information Network.


This site will (hopefully) provide useful insights into my professional achievements, skills, and personality. Please take a look and if there is some reason you think we should be in touch, whether to exchange ideas, get advice, or talk to me about a job opportunity, please contact me!

© 2013 by Caitlin Van Orden. Proudly created with

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